Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

The journey duration between the paired hill towns in Uttarakhand will now be shortened to just 15 minutes.

Dehradun to Mussoorie ropeway
longest ropeway project

Dehradun is on the brink of welcoming India’s most extensive ropeway system, an extraordinary link to Mussoorie. This groundbreaking project promises to revolutionize travel, reducing the journey from Dehradun to Mussoorie to a mere 15 minutes – a remarkable improvement from the current 90-minute commute.

The Dehradun Mussoorie Ropeway Project (DMRP), spanning 5.5 kilometers, is a visionary undertaking led by the Mussoorie Sky Car Company Pvt, in collaboration with FIL Industries. With an estimated budget of around INR 300 crore, the project is on track to complete Phase 1 by September 2026.

Setting a new standard in ropeway technology, the DMRP boasts cutting-edge 10-seater cabins, a pioneering feat for India. These cabins are a marvel of modern engineering, featuring enclosed spaces, optimal ventilation, glazed windows, and automatic doors for unparalleled comfort. Notably, this marks the debut of cabins with a remarkable capacity of 1300 Passengers-Per-Hour-Per-Direction.

What makes this project even more impressive is its all-weather operational capability, which will significantly alleviate traffic congestion, especially during peak tourist seasons. The DMRP also has holistic plans for infrastructure development, including provisions for hospitality, dining, and retail facilities, promising an economic boost for both Dehradun and Mussoorie.

Intrigued by this groundbreaking venture? Stay updated for more exciting developments in this game-changing project that’s set to redefine Uttarakhand’s travel experience.


From a single individual’s perspective, the Dehradun Mussoorie Ropeway Project is nothing short of a game-changer. It’s a bridge of convenience that will bring two beautiful hill cities closer than ever. As someone who has marveled at the natural beauty of these destinations but found the travel time a deterrent, this news is a breath of fresh mountain air.

The promise of a swift 15-minute journey from Dehradun to Mussoorie, thanks to the innovative 10-seater cabins, is a dream come true. It’s not just about the reduced travel time; it’s about the potential to explore and cherish the lush landscapes and vibrant culture of these towns more frequently.

This initiative doesn’t just reduce commute time but is a testament to progress and innovation. The anticipation of a ropeway system that can operate in all weather conditions is not only exciting but also practical, especially during peak seasons.

What’s equally exciting is the holistic approach that integrates infrastructure development, which will not only ease travel but also enhance the local economies of both Dehradun and Mussoorie. It’s a win-win for the traveler and the local community.

For me, this project is a beacon of hope, a symbol of progress, and an invitation to rediscover the beauty of Uttarakhand with unprecedented ease. We eagerly await the day when I can step into one of those state-of-the-art cabins and embark on a 15-minute journey that promises to be as memorable as the destinations it connects.

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