Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

In a significant development for India’s military and defense production, the Defence Acquisition Council has greenlit the acquisition of 97 additional Tejas aircraft and 156 Prachand attack helicopters. Both these indigenous aircraft come at a combined value of approximately ₹1.1 lakh crore, showcasing a substantial investment in bolstering national defense capabilities.

Tejas aircraft and Prachand helicopters

The Tejas Mark 1-A fighters are slated for the Indian Air Force, while the Prachand attack helicopters will serve both the Air Force and the Army. The procurement includes additional agreements for anti-ship missiles and towed gun systems, expanding the overall deal’s value to ₹2.23 lakh crore.

Boost for Domestic Industries:

A noteworthy aspect of these acquisitions is that ₹2.2 lakh crore, equivalent to 98% of the total amount, will be sourced from domestic industries. This not only reinforces the concept of ‘aatmanirbharta’ (self-reliance) in defense but also holds the promise of generating long-term employment opportunities.

Sukhoi Su-30 MKI Upgrade:

In addition to the aircraft and helicopter procurement, the Defence Acquisition Council has approved a major upgrade for the Sukhoi Su-30 MKI aircraft. This upgrade is expected to enhance the aircraft’s capabilities with indigenous developments in radars, avionics, and subsystems. With over 260 Su-30 aircraft in the Indian Air Force, this indigenous upgrade is a significant stride towards self-sufficiency.

Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) Process:

While the recent approvals mark the largest order book for indigenous manufacturers in India’s history, it’s essential to note that an Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) has been granted. The subsequent phase involves contract negotiations with manufacturers, a process that, although time-consuming, is likely to be more efficient than if foreign manufacturers were involved.

Timeline and Cabinet Committee on Security:

Once contract negotiations are concluded, the final price will be determined, followed by the Cabinet Committee on Security’s sign-off. However, the full induction of these military assets is anticipated to take at least 10 years, emphasizing the meticulous nature of defense procurement and integration processes.

Diversification and Naval Advancements:

The Defence Acquisition Council has also greenlit the replacement of the Indian field gun, paving the way for a state-of-the-art towed gun system. Additionally, the procurement of medium-range anti-ship missiles for the Navy under the Buy (Indian-IDDM) category highlights the commitment to indigenous design, development, and manufacturing.


The recent decisions by the Defence Acquisition Council signify a monumental stride in enhancing India’s defense capabilities through the acquisition of advanced indigenous aircraft and helicopters. These developments not only fortify the nation’s security but also underscore the commitment to self-reliance and job creation within the defense sector.

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